Exploring the Metaverse

We're Back! New Format and Co-Host :-) Ep. 17

February 15, 2024 Mathew Warren
We're Back! New Format and Co-Host :-) Ep. 17
Exploring the Metaverse
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Exploring the Metaverse
We're Back! New Format and Co-Host :-) Ep. 17
Feb 15, 2024
Mathew Warren

Exploring the Metaverse returns with a fresh vibe! Join us as we welcome new guests and introduce a brand-new co-host Teo! Together, we embark on a quest to delve deeper into the dynamic realm of  technology and the metaverse. Exploring its multitude of meanings and meanderings through the lens of regular people just like us!

New guests are always welcome on the show! If you, or someone you know or represent would like to be a guest for the show please contact us! 

It would mean the world to us if you could take the time to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any of the other podcast platforms! Thank you for listening!!







Show Notes Transcript

Exploring the Metaverse returns with a fresh vibe! Join us as we welcome new guests and introduce a brand-new co-host Teo! Together, we embark on a quest to delve deeper into the dynamic realm of  technology and the metaverse. Exploring its multitude of meanings and meanderings through the lens of regular people just like us!

New guests are always welcome on the show! If you, or someone you know or represent would like to be a guest for the show please contact us! 

It would mean the world to us if you could take the time to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any of the other podcast platforms! Thank you for listening!!







welcome to exploring the metaverse where we explore the depths of augmented and virtual reality and the ever-expanding metaverse and how it applies to regular people that's wonderful it's incredible it feels so good to be back i have been thinking about this wonderful podcast of mine for quite some time but i have just not been in the driver's seat as far as making the content and and putting it out there there's many reasons and i can get into some of them but generally speaking it all went off the rails when facebook changed their name to meta and the just the general interest in the metaverse just plummeted it fell off a cliff now that's not to say that virtual reality has somehow stopped in the process no just the opposite in fact it seems to be pushing ahead further and stronger than ever but i i just kind of had to take a break and reassess the direction of myself of the show and how things were going and it's just sort of naturally progressed to today where i have a new friend here which you might have noticed and whom i'll introduce in just a moment and we have been talking and thinking scheming perhaps and moving towards creating some content again and this is my friend his name is teo welcome to the show sir hi matt how are you very very well thank you very much and teo and i we work together but not directly day to day each and every day just in the same organization in a big large hospital together uh and we've just found over the last several months that we have a lot of people that we've been talking to shared interests a lot of variety of opinions when it comes to not just virtual reality not just augmented reality but technology and the entire industry in general so i appreciate you being here with me today and not just in a guest capacity but more so as a co-host as a driver of this bus it's uh it's a bit difficult a bit different it's interesting for me to kind of change the direction change the pace but also to to really expand and grow and develop in a new direction with another interested person well thank you matthew i love to have this opportunity with you i as you said this is something we've been talking about just in our private lives texting a phone call here and there we talk about tech it's one of the biggest arguments that we have when we talk with each other and uh so the idea came up to say why don't do it in front of a microphone and share our ideas with others and our opinions with others you know my sweet spot whenever we can fire up the microphone it just gets me in the right place i know i couldn't agree more with you i think it's fun because you know it's difficult sometimes to find that audience of interested individuals and putting out a show like this allows folks to have a chance to to get the content that they're looking for the genre the the niches that they are interested in without having to you know share it with your friends and family we can we can share it with the world and find the people that are basically our people we can come together on these uh these shared interests and to learn and grow with this industry that never seems to change never sleeps never takes a day off so it's quite interesting what uh you know just to change gears a little bit mr to who i really think is going to be the driver of this show we move forward but me being me uh still just gonna ask a little question to you good sir what kind of um tech history do you have what would you say is your your sort of origin story what got you into the kind of the nerd world into the the dweeb space so to speak i mean talk to me about your your past with tech i mean what got you going i was born in edmonton but i lived in italy for 23 years and when i was in italy i was living in a small town a small town being that i was one of the first actual people and households that had a computer when you're one of the few that has a computer obviously there's going to be people that asks you how to do this or how can you do this for me or how can you do that for me so you start looking into and you start digging deeper and how tech works and whatever and you start at that point building a passion about it and after that i was born in italy and i was born in italy and i you start getting into maybe the consoles the first playstation comes out oh yeah we we know how that went with all the ripped cds and everything and i was one of the first people that had a cd burner i didn't even know me too bro so that's a whole story right there oh my gosh you're bringing me back london drugs 500 bucks we paid for that one-time cd burner sorry no no that's that's that's the things right that get you going and then you just keep cultivating this interest in new technology and uh even though maybe you can't afford to have the best of the best when you're a kid and you don't feel like asking it to your parents but you you feel like it but you know they're going to say no exactly you you feel like at a point you're gonna you're gonna get there you're gonna buy what you want you're gonna get what you want and so you keep looking into it and keep looking at what the best of the best is and what the future of of the technology is so you keep digging into news and keep listening to other podcasts or or when the advent of youtube came about and you start watching videos of tech youtubers and whatever it's just a rabbit so and and then years go by and now you get to the point that you feel like well i can't share my opinion because i have digested so much tech news and you've been assisting your friends and family is their tech support your colleagues it's unbelievable and i you know i don't think i've ever really talked about my my my tech history so to speak i feel like it's very similar to yours in so many ways even though you know the vast majority of your experience ended up it started in italy in italy i had a very similar experience here in uh here in the edmonton region um you know we just i remember i remember going to my stepbrother's house and i must have been about 10 years old and i mean i knew about computers i'd seen a few computers i'd i hadn't really used them meaningfully in my own personal way and we went to my stepbrother's house he was sitting there playing this like golf game on this i think it was a 386 um and i remember the guy saying looks like he hit the tree jim and it's just like old golf golf game and i was just like i didn't want to leave him and i were just playing this game and that's i think when i realized that a computer had something for me and it wasn't just like this like nerdy toy for adults or for business things it had a it had a fun side too and you know as a child who enjoyed nintendo and other consoles it was like it was just a natural thing for me and just like you i became the sort of family family tech guy you know i built i to this day i still build many of my friends computers my mom and dad and friends and family lots of my colleagues at work i'm fixing their computers and stuff and and just like you you know i have spent a better part of my life always with uh uh an invested interest in this space and having i feel like i'm i'm a bit of a the one who's sharing it with the people around me and helping them digest what is otherwise a bit you know difficult to to accept or to to learn understanding that both of us have more or less the same path we just started talking tech at work and whatever we started to understand that we had common interests right and and now we came to this and uh matthew we were talking about uh one of the hottest topics in tech world and it keeps being one of the hottest topics in tech world and it was the vision pro yes sir and she said well we're sharing opinions they differ a little bit between each other but most of all we're on the same page we're not at each other's throat well well and i we can we can talk about it like civil persons and civil people and just share our opinion with everybody i think it's so fun that it's the kind of subject that always leaves a little bit to the imagination you know it's not cut and dry exactly how things will turn out we don't know exactly where ai will lead us and the next five years 10 years 50 years we don't know how this augmented or virtual reality technology the the way it's been bounding forward just leaping ahead by miles is it going to be like the movies we've watched you know uh what is it ready player one or a couple other ones uh i'm my blu-rays because i still have blu-rays and i still collect blu-rays i was looking at it up there so i mean that looks a lot like i don't know i don't know if apple actually copied that design but it looks a lot like the you know they're going to draw inspiration from socially relevant places to sort of um trigger the imagination and the creative and interesting side of people i think right so and that's that's what it is right like we're we're not gonna we're not putting like out content for tech real like tech nerds we're trying to appeal to everybody right the regular people yeah this is this podcast is for regular people yeah probably the nerdy uh but also people that are interested a little bit more yeah but everybody that has a little bit of interest like what is this apple pro apple vision pro what is what are they trying to accomplish with this technology where is it going where so we we maybe can give some insight to those people other than the nerdy and geeky people that will actually look for our content oh man i really hope that we can we can find like-minded guests as well who would be interested to be on the show to talk directly about their interaction their place their founding of new technology with us and with the listeners to you know to continue to build that knowledge and to take it forward and i would love that if this experience was the greatest opportunity for us to kind of opportunity that allowed us to get deeper on the subject to meet people to go places to to experience things perhaps hands-on that we can share not only here on the on the audio side of the podcast but potentially on on the youtube channel and you know other platforms moving forward oh yeah i want to didn't we say jokingly that we wanted to go to taiwan last year yeah let's go with the ces let's convince our wives that it's uh just absolutely we can interview people on the on the the show floor we can make relationships for the following year so we can get time in the private recording areas and uh you know just it's just such an interesting subject to me that never sits still we're always going to learn something new and you know teo and i talked about scheduling obviously i am a little bit busy with other content that i make uh but this is such an important thing to me it's such an interesting and valuable time that we can spend that i think it's a really important thing to me i think we can probably at least start to start put out at least an episode maybe two every month depending how things or even every week um i'm just i'm so used to doing everything by myself that it's really awesome to have another interested party here alongside me working hand in hand that uh should really be able to amplify the amount of productivity that we can achieve and i appreciate you having me here because it gives me an insight and gives me a platform and understand how i can get my ideas out there and working together probably will get us way further in our goals and our and uh get our passion out there for uh this what what we feel and what we feel like we can share with the people i honestly couldn't agree more and i think sometimes the exciting part is like you don't know what you don't know and the the possibilities that come from this kind of expression are really so exciting i mean if anyone's listening now you know you look back in the history of this podcast and there's already been so many interesting industry insiders here that i've entered i've interviewed and as much fun as it will be for tio and i to get together and to talk about the things that we love i hope we can expand that conversation you know to to include other people as well and to to not just only educate the audience but ourselves and uh yeah just to see where it can take us absolutely and um matthew are we uh going to touch other subjects other than the proper metaphors during our podcast well i think yeah absolutely you know we don't that's that that word you know that's the whole problem with zuckerberg you know that word took a massive hit in terms of you know when i first started using that terminology for this show it basically referred to the term you know the word that virtual reality and all and augmented reality and all of the surrounding technology that was sort of like springing up around that and you know it's it's sort of changed so much now i think the public perception is that the metaverse is zuckerberg's failed virtual reality project exactly half human no legs right it's just infuriating to me that this guy has such an ego to think that he could just own the entire topic that i really believe the public perception has been set back and there's so many other areas of technology like you know you can even talk about the future and the progress of smartphones and how they are going to integrate into technology in the future and how you know these different aspects of the industry so to me you know this is kind of a a step forward and maybe we will rebrand the show with the new title in the future i don't know um but you know i just want to keep putting out interesting content and i think at the end of the day that's really what matters that we touch on subjects that matter to people and you know the packaging the the you know logos and titles and such i mean that that helps to get clicks helps to get people in the door but if we're giving value to people uh to me that's that's really the most important thing yeah so that's probably that's probably our main objective here is well i think no we should rephrase that i should rephrase that i think our main objective here is actually to have fun have good conversation between your friends and be as genuine as possible that we are and uh meanwhile we're sharing our knowledge and uh and not not only sharing knowledge but we're acquiring more knowledge through this project uh for for ourselves and uh in this journey with our listeners to get to the point that we can share with other people and our families the tech and it's a it's just a circle it just keeps going it just you just keep every day you wake up and there's new headlines there's new topics there's new breakthroughs battery technology display technology processor technology you know the the shifting ram speeds there's you know you could look at the term metaverse and you could say well does something like uh like a graphics card apply well directly the the the on the surface understanding would be like well graphics cards are pretty much for gaming that's like maybe the common understanding but then you look at how this tech operates in an individual's home and all aspects of a computer all play back into their ability to access you know a virtual reality space from the uh from a home setting well is it is it uh only that no it's not because uh the 4090 i don't know if you heard but the united states put a block on the export to china yes because it's so efficient in ai technology which is a direct part of the metaverse uh that oh yeah the united states government is uh wants to put a slowdown on the growth of ai in china and their first idea was to block any kind of graphic card that can reach certain potentials in ai in ai sorry in ai processing absolutely and i don't want to start talking about details that i don't have information to back it up but i do believe um that they actually nvidia actually created another skew for the 4090 i i was watching or hearing about that i think it's an h variant of the 4090 and i think it's a very good idea to do that i think it's an h variant of the 4090 and i think it's a very good idea to do that or some letter that they've attached to it it's called 4090 d there you go yeah uh and i think they've you know they've hamstringed some of its capacity just so that it isn't reaching those levels of efficiency um i'm not sending my 4090 to china i'm just saying i don't think that that's happening but yeah so a graphic card uh it's it's what one degree of separation away from being part of the metaverse and in in so many ways nvidia is the future of virtual reality just as much as they are ai which happens to be the hotter buzz topic of the day um i can't imagine a virtual world that doesn't include ai no no it's really the the future so you and i we get to rambling we get to going in all sorts of directions but teo in the interest of conciseness and absolute value for our listeners i propose that we reconvene as shortly and as soon as possible because there's many things that we need to talk about and i think we need to just stick to the plan have a good time have fun and uh you know maybe we could really talk a little bit more about the the impact of the division pro and some of these newer tech here in our next episode absolutely we give them a little taste of how we can go on a tangent here and just start talking about anything so i think that we may have caught their attention a little bit more about how we're going to how we're going to deal with the podcast and how we're going to entertain our our our viewers and our listeners so i think yeah we should call it a wrap as the first episode here explaining how this how the podcast will be shifting a little bit but not really because it's still going to be well yeah and that's where i was so excited so interested in you being on the show because we have such shared values and i really love this podcast and even though i haven't been doing it for a while it's on my mind all the time and i wouldn't just you know go live with anybody for anything i would rather it sit dormant than you know to kind of give it away and the fact that you get excited about the same things that i do and we can learn and grow together i just think it's not just only value for you and but for so many possible people and i appreciate the opportunity that's why i'm so honored and happy and humbled to be here with you it's my privilege bro thank you very very much guys if this is your first time listening or if you've listened to every episode front to back thank you so very much i am always excited to welcome new guests on the show we are always excited to welcome new guests on the show so if you feel that you ought to want to be a guest or if you have a guest for the show please don't hesitate to contact us at exploring the metaverse together at gmail.com that's exploring the metaverse together at gmail.com check the show description we've got that information and more social media links you'll notice that the youtube channel is going to be firing back up here shortly and we're going to do continued episodes trying to bring tech to the regular people such as us and yourself and everyone out there thanks again to appreciate you being here you're welcome thank you for having me matt absolute honor absolute privilege until next time thanks very much for your time thank you so much for watching and listening